A sustainable world with Rhino

A sustainable world with Rhino

Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Moving towards sustainable production has been a complex process for energy companies, but not necessarily a negative one. 

With Rhino - free-standing brand within Grinn - a smart building solution facility managers can be a part of the solution to being sustainable by reducing energy consumption, simply by using real-time monitoring, cloud-based platform and data reports. 58% energy in buildings is lost. Change it - manage cost effectiveness and sustainability with Rhino!



The IoT is so firmly entrenched in our lives that sometimes we do not even notice its work. We draw up reports based on the readings from sensors thousands of kilometers away. The digital camera has noticed movement in the backyard and has sent you a notification to make sure it is just a neighbor's dog. Want to know what mechanisms are behind these modern conveniences?

Best CI tools for embedded software development according to Grinn

Continuous integration is a practice of software development that based on constant code changes, testing and code integration. The advantages also include timely detection and elimination of errors, while shared access to the code provides the ability to roll back changes which led to breakdowns by any project participant. You can read more about how Grinn implements the integration process in our next articles, and, in this one, we will discuss the tools we use every day.

What exactly is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Wouldn't it be great to have a hot espresso waiting for you at home and be able to make it simply through an application while you are en route? Wouldn't you like to control all applications in your home remotely? IoT is turning into an increasingly developing point of discussion both in the working environment and outside of it. It's an idea that not just can affect how we live, but also how we work.